flower language is happiness…
Harger’s Goldenrod@Gifu
decreasing recently…
Alaska Bellflower@Gifu
by the plateau lake…
Mud Art@Tokyo
gradually changing…
Cicada Shell@Tokyo
part 5
Cicada Shell@Tokyo
part 4
my favorite color…
Cicada Shell@Tokyo
part 3
Cicada Shell@Tokyo
part 2
Cicada Shell@Tokyo
part 1
Young Leaves of Maple@Tokyo
Growing day by day at home…
The River Side Cafe@Yamanashi
I cherish every moment here…
Amanita caesareoides@Tokyo
big and small…
The Kid of Capricornis crispus@Tokyo
familiar face around here…
Hidden Mushrooms@Tokyo
in the shade of a tree…
like antique artificial flowers…
Young Leaves@Tokyo
of unknown plant…
growing persimmons already…
Leucocoprinus fragilissimus@Tokyo
only few hours ephemeral lives…
The Morning Sunlight@Tokyo
the morning call…
First Young Leaves@Tokyo
the maple at home…
Gooseneck loosestrife@Tokyo
tail of tiger in Japanese saying,,.
Violet wood-sorrel@Tokyo
pretty weed…
White clover@Tokyo
at the nock in the park…
Ophiopogon planiscapus@Tokyo
never seen before…
here and there…
Iron Mushrooms@Tokyo
get along well forever…