Fagus crenat called queen of the forest…
The Late Afternoon@Tokyo
just taking a drowse…
Evening Railway@Tokyo
the single truck to the sunset…
The First Sunlight@Tokyo
in the forest…
in full bloom…
which was made at the entrance…
about to jump…
Natural Planter@Tokyo
the scraped bicycle as the base…
Cluster amaryllis@Tokyo
the rare color spider lilies…
Sturgeon Moon@Tokyo
the full moon…
The Private Swing@Tokyo
in the patch of sunlight…
The Private Swing@Tokyo
in the sunny spot…
Ephemeral Life@Tokyo
a feather of another dead butterfly…
Ephemeral Life@Tokyo
a feather of dead butterfly…
the rare purple color…
Cluster amaryllis@Tokyo
red spider lilies are in full bloom…
already the red dragonfly…
Large Hills@Nagano
hills over hills…
Large Hill@Nagano
Kirigamine view…
Mountain Pass View@Yamanashi
the mountain in the cloud…
Tranquil Countryside@yamanashi
this roadside is made up of rural settings…
The Wheat Field@Yamanashi
just before the harvest…
The Training Day@Tokyo
the finished preparation for forest conservation volunteers…
The Clock Grasses@Tokyo
the passion flowers…
Unexpected Encounter@Yamanashi
with the defenseless deer…
Another Forest@Tokyo
in the big puddles after the rain…
After the Rain@Tokyo
the fallen white flower…
Natural Planter@Tokyo
the clovers at the drain of the stone wall…
the artwork in the forest…
White Mushroom@Tokyo
in the shade of wood to avoid being observed…
Summer Butterfly@Tokyo
taking a rest on the bench…